Friday, May 29, 2009

Introducing Don That

Time to tell you about yet another toon of mine. Yet another bad toon at that. Name: Don That (In case you didn't read the title.) Don That is the twin of Ben There. Here's his picture:

He looks just like Ben There. But then, you haven't seen him.

Stats: ... Oh bother, I don't remember. Oh well I'll post them when I find out. They aren't impressive, trust me. He's even worse then his twin who has 20 somthing I believe. Didn't do much working on him. You can probably tell that I spend almost all my Toontown time playing Larry.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Introducing Uber Larry

My next toon I will introduce is Uber Larry. The name implies it all; he's a toon like Larry that's an uber. So far he's pretty bad. Well here's what he looks like:
He looks an awful lot like Larry doesn't he?

Well, here are the stats:

Laff: 15

Throw: Cream Pie Slice

Squirt: Squirt Gun

There really isn't anything else to say since he's an uber and a bad one at that. If it wasn't for the name "Uber Larry" you would think he was just a newbie. (Which in a way he is. Uber wise.)

Oh, if you don't know what an uber is, it's a toon with low laff and high gags. So a toon with 15 laff points could have geysier and wedding cake. Or a 30 laff could have maxed drop and lure, too. There are also Cashbot ubers that can fight the CFO with 70 some laff and maxed gags.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Introducing Larry

I think it's time I tell you about my main toon, Larry. First a picture:


Now stats:

Laff: 111

Toon up: High Dive (maxed)
Trap: Trap Door
Lure: -not chosen-
Sound: Opera Voice (maxed)
Throw: Wedding Cake (maxed)
Squirt: Geysier (maxed)
Drop: Piano

Sellbot Suit: Mr. Hollywood
Cashbot Suit: Number Cruncher
Lawbot Suit: Bottom Feeder
Bossbot Suit: Flunky

Fish Species Caught: 60
Current Rod: Gold

Doodle Name: Skippy

Kart Type: Roadster

Flower Varieties Collected: 20
Shovel Type: Bronze

Racing Trophies Won: 10

Golfing Trophies Won: 13

Larry has done 5 succesful factory solos. 1 long way and 4 going the short way. Other than that, there are no important solos to report.

That's all! I will regularly update this post to show Larry's new gags, laff, etc.

Doodle Tips

If you want to buy your self the perfect doodle you have to be patient. Keep checking the Donalds Dreamland petshop everyday. The doodle your looking for will be expensive. If you don't have a lot of jellybeans you should save up first. Look for these traits:

1. Rarely Confused
2. Rarely Tired
3. Very Excitable

Number 3 isn't necessary, if you find a doodle with the other two you should take it. But if you want "the best" doodle you should try to for all three. That could take you a very long time. Rarely Confused makes your doodle do tricks almost all the time. Rarely Tired allows your doodle two do multiple tricks before getting tired and needing to be scratched. (If you buy a doodle in DDL it should only need to be scratched once.) Very excitable helps your doodle do the tricks like rarely confused, because doodles want to do tricks when they're excited. So you can see that all three of those would be perfect, but if you only have the first two you should still have a very nice doodle. I currently only have a doodle that is rarely confused and rarely tired.

Training tricks takes patience too. When you look at your new doodles tricks it should show up blank at first. Then you say "Jump!" and if the doodle does it he will get a jump credit. You have to make your doodle jump very many times before he will max. (Each time you get to the end your doodle earns 1 laff point on that trick.) That can take weeks, or months even years if your very devoted. Then when your done training a trick (got to the end of the bar) your doodle will give you twice as many laff points when he/she does that trick. For jump you would get 10 laff back since it starts out as 5. If you trained Speak, which is the best and hardest to train, you would get 22 laff because it starts at 11. If you want to train one quickly go for jump. I would advise you do that first. Then start training speak. If you have speak completely maxed and your doodle does it easily, you shouldn't need the rest. Some people prefer to stick with jump because it's more reliable.

I hope the tips helped! Have fun playing on Toontown and good luck finding a great doodle and training it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Larry buys Roadster

Actual date: Sunday 5-24-09

Larry finally got enough tickets to buy the Roadster. I did lots of Grand Prixs and got over 8,000 tickets. The Roadster cost 7,500 tickets. Then Larry raced some more, and I currently have over 3,000. The next thing he will buy is the color black to paint with. It costs 5,000 tickets.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Larry reaches 111 and maxes toon up

Today I went in a VP. All but one of the toons were Mr. Hollywood, and the SOS toon was Barnacle Bessie. Barnacle Bessie is a 5 star SOS drop which drops a very strong piano on each cog. Almost as good as a Toontanic. I got my first laff boost as level 15 Mr. Hollywood. Now Larry has 111 laff. I nice looking number. ;)

I also maxed toon up. I only need seven skill credits to get the high dive, so I waited for the VP to get it. I haven't used it yet, but can't wait too. High dive is probably one of the most fun gags to watch.

I hope you enjoyed reading! Keep checking back to see new posts as they come out.